Cathy Citron-Bilovsky, Ph.D.
Licensed Marriage and
Family Therapist

Conquering New Challenges

People often become anxious or fearful when facing unfamiliar tasks, a new job, a relationship issue and confrontation, a new assignment at work or even a new activity.  Fear can be paralyzing and undermine ones value and sense of worth.  It can even make us feel little once again with feelings of inadequacy.  We can become distracted by the fear and it can transform into anxiety, dread and panic.  Are these feelings familiar to you?  It does help to use the fear as a form of motivation to acquire new skills and feel stronger as well as accomplished.  When you are able to focus, increase your ability to concentrate, there are so many tasks you can accomplish.  Go ahead, feel the fear and do the task anyway.  Make the goal prominent in your mind and tune out distractions.  Once the task is repeated again and again, confidence will grow and the end result will be a sense of mastery.  Be open to the experiences of life.  It makes the journey less complex, more satisfying and fulfilling.

Sometimes perfectionism can get in the way of accomplishing tasks or meeting goals.  It can help if you lower your expectations and make the project workable.  Be willing to make mistakes.  Failure is sometimes necessary in order to achieve success.  Mistakes are the stepping stones to success.  To be human is to be imperfect.

Cathy Citron-Bilovsky, Ph.D.
16944 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 7
Encino, California 91316

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